3D Divesite Card Spiegel Grove Stern |
Manufacturer: Innovative Scuba Part Number: INS-LB1150S MSRP: $14.65 Sale Price: $13.95 |
Sale Price: $13.95
3D Dive Site Card: This unique card provides detailed depiction of the dive site. This waterproof card is double sided, and made of durable PVC plastic and is designed to be taken on the dive. It also is 3 hole punched to fit in standard log books..
Trouble deciding? Not only does Divers-Supply.com bring you the best in SCUBA diving equipment, but we give great tips for first time or experienced buyers.Buying 3D Divesite Card Spiegel Grove Stern through an authorized dealer such as Divers-Supply.com is the only way to ensure its quality and authenticity. Most shops charge the list price for this item, which is $14.65. At Divers-Supply.com, you save $0.70 on our everyday price - that's at least 5%! Not sure you have the perfect item for your friends or family? Get them a Divers-Supply.com Gift Card! Click here for more information. Divers-Supply.com is committed to protecting your privacy. We use personal information solely for communications between Divers-Supply.com and our customers. Please read our policy. |
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