Dive Rite Surg Tubing Small 1/8in Amber Roll 50Ft |
Manufacturer: Dive Rite Part Number: DIR-AC2011R MSRP: $39.85 Sale Price: $37.95 |
Sale Price: $37.95
Dive Rite Surg Tubing Small 1/8in Amber Roll 50Ft.
Trouble deciding? Not only does Divers-Supply.com bring you the best in SCUBA diving equipment, but we give great tips for first time or experienced buyers.Buying Dive Rite Surg Tubing Small 1/8in Amber Roll 50Ft through an authorized dealer such as Divers-Supply.com is the only way to ensure its quality and authenticity. This item is currently available for our everyday price of $37.95, a discount of 5% off the list price. Divers-Supply.com currently ships to all 50 states, as well as APO/FPO addresses, Guam, US Virgin Islands, and Puerto Rico. We also ship to many countires - check the Shipping Estimate tool for information or contact us for information. We hope you will enjoy your shopping experience with Divers-Supply.com. If you have any questions or comments and would like to contact us, we would love to hear from you. |
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