Sea Elite Black Tip Pole Spear Aluminum 1 Piece 2 |
Manufacturer: Sea Elite Part Number: SEE-PSAL2M MSRP: $36.70 Sale Price: $34.95 |
Sale Price: $34.95
Polespear 2 pc aluminum 2MWith two sections this makes it very versatile and easy to travel with. It's overall length with Tip is 78" remove the end section and screw the tip in the main section makes for a great 46" Lion buster..
At Divers-Supply.com, we offer the largest selection of the top name brand SCUBA equipment on the market. Along with this Sea Elite Black Tip Pole Spear Aluminum 1 Piece 2, you get the fantastic customer service for which Divers-Supply.com is known. The retail list price on this product is $36.70. If you buy from Divers-Supply.com today, you'll save 5% or more! Divers-Supply.com offers several shipping options and services depending on your desired delivery time and needs. Use the Shipping Estimate tool on the right side of any page for a quick estimate. Don't forget to check out our current specials and Daily Treasure for more incredible deals. |
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